Build-In Intelligence | Agile Data Management Services

Better decision making and performances by optimizing reliable data and business intelligence

What we do

Data Management ~ We support you to maintain, update, manage and secure your data

Purpose of data management is to make sure that available data is complete, reliable and in time accessible for applications which make use of data. This could be company software, IT systems or other data platforms.

Therefore data files need to be checked for mutations and when required adjusted. With new and additional data of external sources you even can enrich your existing files. Keeping the data up to date could be automated more often thanks to links with external files.

Based on reliable and complete data you could – after data analytics – optimize business processes and improve real-time decision making. 


Data Analytics or Business Intelligence ~ We support you at extracting values from your data

By analyzing your data you will discover trends, you will get new insights or will make connections which could be of importance for you. You could think of optimizing your business processes, analyzing your markets or making strategic and tactical decisions. 

Before you could make use of your data in a meaningful way, structuring, validating, aggregating, making it unambiguously, supplementing and storaging it is necessary. These tasks and concepts are covered by data management.

We are convinced that when organizations have their data management in order they will gain a lot of strategic and operational advantages.

Enterprise Data Management (EDM) ~ We support you at organizing and improving your company data

If you organize your data at your business processes in the right way it this will be better traceable. As a result of it processes will proceed much quicker and more efficient.

The reliability of company data will increase when quality requirements are attached to creating and managing data.  It is not only useful for companies to optimize her data governance, law and regulations are also often demanding this. 

Enterprise Data Management (EDM) ~ Data Governance

We believe that data management activities should be based on data governance and, depending on the business agenda, that the data management activities delivering most added value should be managed first.

This is described in the diagram below. From a vision and strategy a business model will be realized which is needed for achieving the targeted objectives. This  business model makes demands on the primary and supporting processes. To make these business processes operate resources will be required. These can be subdivided by manpower, data and IT - resources.

Build-In Intelligence | Business Process Consultants ~ What we do

  • Determine what data and governance is required considering client's scope of work and business agenda, 
  • Discuss requirements for implementing Enterprise Data Management (EDM), and
  • Determine EDM objectives and optimization plan for required Agile Data Management.

Feel free to contact us or send us an request for advice ~ See our next webpages for our support at your data business challenges.
