Build-In Intelligence | Agile Data Management Services

Better decision making and performances by optimizing reliable data and business intelligence

Operations & Maintenance

Compliant, Safe & Excellent Asset Management ~ Fusing Physical & Digital Technologies  

In rapidly changing times companies are forced to adapt new technologies and digitize to be agille at managing operations cost-effectively.

Question of today is:

Are we moving from a modern era to a complete digital era? The short time perspective is that we all aim for single point of collected data conducted by humans to moving towards multiple data sources brought together by state of the art platforms  and supported by smart algorithms.

The situation of today is:

The fourth revolution brings a complete technology change. Currently the market shows that required corporate changes are not keeping pace with the technology change and are lacking agility to adopt, transform, implement and embrace accordingly.

What do clients say about digitalization of asset management?

  • they have an Increased focus on digitalization
  • they have an increased expenditure on digitalization
  • they strong believe digitalization is required to boost their profitability

Asset Data & Performance Management ~ Reliable data is key to success!

EAM systems, data and software solutions needs to be connected, integrated, reliable and using one data platform for realizing 'one single source of truth'.   

What drives the Process Industry?

  • Operate ageing plants/assets compliant, safe and cost effective in changing environments (including technical asset challenges like ageing, lifetime extension, change of processes, asset integrity/reliability, ROI and TCO
  • Integration of asset-, process-, maintenance- and data management systems (increase of process & data complexity, need for one data platform unlocking data in silo's, managing incomplete asset data & data erosion)
  • Responsiveness to changing client needs, markets or disruptions (safe & excellent operations, reliable/sustainable supply chain, impacts of energy transition, change management)
  • Losing intercompany knowledge (changing market conditions, independent plants/operations/teams, loss of available/validated data & information, retirement/lack of resources)
  • Need for optimizing proactive and real-time asset management systems (for being more resilient and creating excellent Capex & Opex performances, by integrating innovative digital and predictive intelligence technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)  

Our shared vision: 

"The impact of the quality, availability and management of information at decision making determines to a large extent the operational success of an organization." 

Asset Operations & Maintenance Management ~ How we are of help

Being cost-effective and optimizing safe operations requires real-time information at decision making and a proactive approach for managing your critical assets.

Our asset management consultancy experiences at optimizing operations and maintenance management performances learns us that a lot of corporate data is not structured, available, complete, reliable, consistent, validated, stored, up-to-date and doesn’t meet proactively the specific needs for executing operations and projects in time and cost effectively.

With our asset and data management services we provided next values at previous projects:

  • Architecture – Supported structuring and optimizing hierarchy of asset data in ERP systems and made critical data more accessible;
  • License to Operate – Supported client at capturing control related data for meeting new legislative requirements;
  • Risk Management – Analyzing critical asset data for optimizing risk management and inspection & maintenance plans (Opex & Capex);
  • Integration – Optimizing one data platform and integrated ERP & software solutions for managing corporate asset management plans;
  • Optimizing Asset Performances – Reduced time and costs to perform asset analysis and executing optimization projects;
  • High Quality Data – Validated critical data for meeting client’s operational & safety requirements;
  • Cost Savings – Reducing time and costs by 40-65% spent on validating data, executing analytics and optimizing Capex & Opex plans.

Feel free to contact us and discuss your interest ~ See next webpages for our projects & team and support at your data business challenges.
